What do you pursue in life?

The journey of life can be confusing, and many of us struggle to figure out what we truly want to pursue. This uncertainty can cause frustration, whether it’s in our jobs, relationships, or beliefs. Our goals and desires are shaped by various factors, including societal norms and cultural expectations. Without clarity, we may experience burnout, identity crises, and difficulties during mid-life transitions. That’s why it’s essential to explore our purpose and passion. Purpose gives us direction and meaning, while passion provides the motivation and excitement, we need to pursue our goals. It’s not just a philosophical exercise to identify what we want to achieve in life; it’s crucial for our well-being and happiness. When we have clarity about our goals, we’re more focused, motivated, and satisfied with our journey and destination. On the other hand, the lack of clarity can lead to a sense of aimlessness, dissatisfaction, and even regret.


In today’s diverse society, people have a variety of aspirations and goals. However, some common themes are universally important. Let’s take a closer look at them.

  • Career and Professional Success: Professional success has become a primary measure of success for many. Societal values, family expectations, and personal ambitions influence this. While it can provide financial stability and recognition, overemphasizing a career can lead to burnout and strained relationships.
  • Personal Relationships: Humans are social beings, and meaningful relationships are crucial for our well-being and happiness. However, the digital age has made it challenging to form authentic connections. Balancing personal and professional life is also a challenge.
  • Personal Development: Continuous learning and self-growth have become essential in a rapidly changing world. People seek new skills, hobbies, and experiences for personal fulfillment. Travel and exposure to different cultures can enrich personal development.
  • Material Pursuits: The acquisition of material goods is often equated with success in consumer-driven economies. While material comforts can enhance the quality of life, it’s important to discern between genuine needs and conditioned wants. Many have gravitated towards minimalism, seeking a more sustainable and conscious lifestyle.

Ultimately, individuals must determine what resonates with their unique essence and life vision among the abundance of choices available.

Finding Personal Alignment

Living a fulfilling life requires more than just pursuing what society deems valuable. It’s essential to find harmony between our personal values, passions, and aspirations. Discovering the perfect intersection where our genuine desires meet our daily actions can be a transformative experience.

A helpful philosophy to illustrate this concept is the Japanese term “Ikigai.” Ikigai combines “iki,” meaning life, and “gai,” meaning value or worth. It embodies the idea of deriving happiness from having a purpose in life. To achieve Ikigai, one must find the intersection of four elements: passion, talent, the needs of the world, and financial sustainability. Passion involves things that bring joy and excitement, while talent involves recognizing unique abilities and strengths. Understanding how our passions and talents can serve the broader community or the world is essential, as is recognizing the practical aspect of life, where our passions can provide financial stability.

The Importance of Self-Introspection

To determine personal alignment, it is necessary to engage in self-reflection. Activities like journaling, meditation, and spending time alone can help to understand oneself better. Trusting one’s instincts and identifying core values can inform decision-making, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life.

External vs. Internal Measures of Success

As we strive to align ourselves with our goals, it’s important to distinguish between external indicators of success, such as societal recognition, financial wealth, or popularity, and internal markers, like joy, fulfillment, and personal growth. While external accomplishments may bring satisfaction, genuine contentment often comes from inner alignment and acknowledging personal growth milestones.

Seeking Feedback and Mentorship

Sometimes, gaining an outside perspective can provide valuable insights into our paths. Trusted mentors, coaches, or therapists can offer guidance, challenge our beliefs, and help illuminate the way toward personal alignment.

Keep in mind that finding personal alignment is rarely a one-time event. Our passions, skills, and worldviews might shift as we grow and evolve. Continuously checking in with oneself and reassessing our paths ensures we remain in harmony with our deepest desires and aspirations.

The Role of Society and Culture

Throughout our lives, the influences of society and culture shape our beliefs, goals, and desires. These external factors play a significant role in guiding our choices, often unconsciously. However, it is essential to consider how societal norms and cultural backgrounds impact our personal pursuits.

Society’s Expectations: What’s Considered Acceptable

Success is often defined by society as having a good job, a loving family, wealth, and recognition. While these things can make us happy, it’s important to remember that they are not universal truths but external standards set by society.

Peer Pressure and Comparison

In today’s world of social media, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. This can often lead to feeling pressure to pursue goals that don’t align with our true desires.


Societal norms are often influenced by long-standing traditions. While these can give us a sense of belonging and identity, they can also feel like constraints if they don’t match our personal values or the changing world around us.

Cultural Background: Values and Beliefs

Different cultures have varying pursuits that they value. For instance, in general terms, Western cultures tend to emphasize individualism and personal achievement, while Eastern cultures prioritize community and harmony. Of course, not everyone fits into this generalization. Also, religion and spirituality can play a significant role in determining one’s life purpose, as some individuals may feel a strong connection to their faith or seek spiritual growth. Additionally, many people feel a sense of duty to honor their family or ancestors by continuing family traditions, maintaining cultural practices, or upholding a family business.

The Dual Edge of Societal and Cultural Influences

While society and culture can offer guidance, grounding, and a sense of belonging, they can also exert undue pressure. The challenge lies in discerning which aspects resonate genuinely with us and which are external impositions.

Recognizing the influences of society and culture is the first step. With this awareness, individuals can choose to either align with these forces or carve out their unique paths. It’s a journey of negotiation — balancing the collective wisdom of the past with personal aspirations for the future.

Taking the Leap: From Contemplation to Action

Turning those thoughts into actionable steps is essential once you’ve thought about your life goals. Dreaming is one thing, but making those dreams a reality is another. Let’s discuss how to move from thinking to doing.

Begin by setting clear intentions and creating purposeful goals that align with your values and desires. Visualize the outcome to activate your subconscious mind and increase your chances of success. Break down big goals into smaller, manageable tasks to make the journey less overwhelming and celebrate intermediate successes to maintain motivation and momentum. Embrace uncertainty and risks by stepping out of your comfort zone and developing resilience and adaptability to navigate unforeseen challenges. Build a support system by surrounding yourself with positivity and seeking mentorship for guidance and feedback. Finally, continuously reflect and re-evaluate to ensure your actions align with your evolving aspirations, and be open to pivoting and adapting when necessary.

Moving from contemplation to action involves a dynamic process, which includes moments of introspection and bursts of proactive efforts. It is crucial to ground our actions in deep reflection and continuously adapt. This approach not only helps us move closer to our goals but also allows us to enjoy the enriching journey that leads us there.

Embracing the Journey: Joy in the Process

Often in our society, we are driven to focus solely on achieving our goals, such as having a successful career or finding the perfect relationship. However, true satisfaction comes not only from reaching these milestones but also from embracing the experiences, lessons, and personal growth that come with the journey.

  • Living in the Present Moment: Being present and fully engaged in our current experiences allows us to find joy in both happy and challenging moments. Mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, and journaling can help us stay grounded and aware of our emotions and surroundings.
  • Embracing Imperfection and Valuing Growth: Rather than striving for perfection, it’s important to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Acknowledging our imperfections and vulnerabilities can help us develop resilience and compassion for ourselves and others.
  • Finding Joy in the Small Things: Life’s simple pleasures, like the warmth of the sun or the aroma of coffee, can bring profound joy if we take the time to appreciate them. Practicing gratitude can also amplify feelings of contentment and happiness.
  • The Role of Challenges in Personal Growth: Challenges, setbacks, and failures can be some of life’s most potent teachers. They can help us sharpen our skills, deepen our character, and provide clarity about what truly matters. Reframing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning allows us to navigate difficulties with greater purpose and equanimity.
  • Building Meaningful Connections: Sharing our journey with others can make it even more meaningful. Building deep, authentic relationships adds layers of joy, support, and depth to our experiences. Engaging with a community based on shared interests, goals, or values can provide a sense of belonging and reinforce the idea that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.

Life is a rich tapestry of experiences woven together with threads of joys, challenges, lessons, and memories. By embracing the journey and finding joy in the process, we can lead a life that’s not just successful in conventional terms but also deeply fulfilling and meaningful.

Navigating Setbacks: Building Resilience and Hope

Life is a beautiful journey that is filled with both opportunities and obstacles. At times, we may encounter personal failures, unexpected tragedies, or societal crises that test our strength and determination. However, by cultivating resilience and nurturing hope, we can overcome these challenges and emerge even stronger and wiser.

  • As humans, we face setbacks and challenges in life. However, it’s important to remember that these tough times are temporary, and just like seasons change, our circumstances will too.
  • Setbacks can also bring valuable lessons that help us grow and develop empathy. To cultivate resilience, we must be mentally agile and adaptable, take care of our physical and emotional well-being, and surround ourselves with supportive people.
  • Setting small, achievable goals, affirming positive beliefs, and seeking inspiration from others who have overcome similar struggles can all help us harness the power of hope.
  • It’s also essential to embrace vulnerability, acknowledge our feelings, and share our experiences to foster deeper connections and gain fresh insights.
  • Investing in personal development, acquiring new skills, seeking feedback, and reflecting on our experiences can all lead to proactive learning and growth.

Setbacks are a natural part of the human experience and can be difficult to deal with. However, like the phoenix that rises from the ashes, we can use the challenges we face to become stronger and more resilient. By accepting setbacks as a necessary part of our journey, we can transform them into opportunities for growth and transformation.


Here’s a list of books that offer valuable insights and perspectives on purpose in life.

1. Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning (Beacon Press, 1946).

2. Simon Sinek, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (Penguin Group, 2009).

3. Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life (Penguin Books, 2016).

4. Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Penguin Group, 2005).

5. Steven Pressfield, Do the Work Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way (The Domino Project, 2011).

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